Category: Health

Trigger Point Rocker Review: Relieve Chronic BackPain

Trigger Point Rocker Review: Relieve Chronic BackPain

Have you had enough of the constant back pain that your profession or daily activities have been causing you? Perhaps you’ve had enough of your poor posture is the result of your sitting or sleeping habits. In an effort to treat people with back pain, physical therapist Aaron Fu developed the Trigger Point Rocker. It’s

Dechoker Anti-Choking Device Review: Does It Work?

Dechoker Anti-Choking Device Review: Does It Work?

Choking is a medical emergency and in the worst-hit scenarios it can lead to death. Surprisingly, over the period the first-aid treatments have not really changed. But with the advent of innovative products like Dechoker things have changed for good.  There is no denying that it is a ground-breaking product; the best part is that

The Breather vs The Piper: Comparison Guide

The Breather vs The Piper: Comparison Guide

There are many different types of breathing aids on the market; deciding which is right for you can be challenging. This blog post will compare two popular breathing aids: The Breather vs The Piper. We will discuss the pros and cons of each device and help you decide which one is right for you. The