Author: Tony James

Trigger Point Rocker Review: Relieve Chronic BackPain

Trigger Point Rocker Review: Relieve Chronic BackPain

Have you had enough of the constant back pain that your profession or daily activities have been causing you? Perhaps you’ve had enough of your poor posture is the result of your sitting or sleeping habits. In an effort to treat people with back pain, physical therapist Aaron Fu developed the Trigger Point Rocker. It’s

KoreClubCrush Blender Review: Read Before Buying

KoreClubCrush Blender Review: Read Before Buying

Smoothies are in style right now. Most people know that smoothies are a good way to get vitamins, proteins, and other nutrients that give you energy. Putting fruits and vegetables together is both tasty and healthy. So, the demand for kitchen blenders has gone through the roof. Try out the KoreClubCrush Blender in this review.

MaxPhone Review: Under Budget Android SmartPhone

MaxPhone Review: Under Budget Android SmartPhone

Flagship phones are getting more and more expensive, but as the high-end market gets better, so does the budget market. It’s easy to get a new phone for less than $250 that can handle anything you throw at it. Even some phones that cost less than $100 may be good for using social media apps.